Profile PictureEgret Studios

ShardFlow 1.0

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ShardFlow 1.0

ShardFlow is a powerful addon for creating realistic fracture effects with ease. With advanced tools and one-click customization, it simplifies breakage in simulations and cinematic scenes, giving artists full control over the process—all in just one click!

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Key Features:

  • One-Click Fracturing: Instantly fracture objects with a single click. ShardFlow automates the entire process, making it effortless to create complex destruction effects.
  • Multiple Fracturing Modes: Choose from various methods such as vertex-based, particle-based, or even Grease Pencil strokes to control how your objects shatter.

  • Customizable Fragmentation: Easily adjust the number of fragments generated for each object. Create from 2 up to 10,000 fragments, depending on the level of detail required.

  • Voronoi Cell Control: Scale Voronoi cells in 3D space to define how pieces break apart, allowing for precise control over the shape and distribution of shards.
  • Automatic Collection Management: Automatically place fragmented objects into a new collection, streamlining your scene organization. Customize collection names for easy project management.
  • Real-time Fracture: Instantly fracture objects in the 3D view with just a few clicks. 
  • Seamless Integration: Located directly in the 3D View Sidebar, ShardFlow blends into your existing Blender workflow with a simple and clean interface.

ShardFlow is your go-to solution for all things fracture!

Other Addons on Blendermarket

Happy Sharding!⚡


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